Hey Hey, hope y'all enjoyed my last post, still recovering from how crazy that shit was...apparently she hasn't tried to contact Bob since the "what happened last night?" message...shes gone and lets hope she stays gone.
I finally saw the film Juice last night for the first time, picked it up at Target (which i pronounce Tarjay like a snooty muthafucka) for 5 dollas a few days ago. I know its most dishonorable and disgraceful of me to not have seen it before considering it features the almighty Pac and was directed by Ernest Dickerson, who happens to be my favorite director's (SPIKE!) director of photography on such illustrious projects as Do The Right Thing and Malcolm X. I remember wanting to see that movie when i saw at the video store when i first disocered 2pac back in the 6th grade, but my rents wouldn't let me rent it on grounds that it was "too violent"... Better later than never...
I honestly really dug the film a lot. the beginning had a true Spike Lee feel to it, it was energetic, amusing and light. Then one event changes the entire feel of the film ,and it becomes a lot darker than i had imagined or felt it would. Loved Mr. Shakur's performance, he always does play a good crazy dude (which probably stems from his real life "fuck the world" personality). A young Omar Epps plays a good role too, as aspiring scratch DJ Gee Q. The film had to great early 90's black film feel to it without delving into the cliche. And of course the cinematography was dope (thanks Ernie!).
The music is off the heezy, what is probably my favorite Eric B. and Rakim song of all time graces the soundtrack, as well as a healthy dose of such classics as Big Daddy Kane and EPMD, strictly New York. Anyways, below im hittin y'all with a short clip from the movie, as well as the music video for "Know The Ledge".
I will be travelin to NYC in the AM, so don't expect any posts for a couple days. Got an interview with a media company for an internship (wish me luck!). Will be stayin with my boy MJ and of course there will be lots of RIDIN! Will also be recording the new episode of Fresh Like Green Tea Radio, so expect a delicious audio treat in the very near future. On the subject of movies, make sure you check out my boy JJ in Pari's movie review blog Lightness of Being (which is also on my side links permanently). He was my "partner in crime" (thanks for the shout out homie!) for 3 years in the City of Light, we made movies together, watched movies together (a lot...remember summer school dog? HA) and of course, drank and partied a LOT together. So, check out my aspiring Jewrab director's site for some quality insight on some films. He looks at movies the same way i compulsively check sites like Nah Right and 2 Dopeboyz all day...So, ill be back with you after what is looking to be a promising weekend, TOPPED OFF BY THE POSSIBLE 6 MONTh REUNION OF KNUTZ AND H-MAN! Knutz be flyin in at 7 p.m tomorrow evening, being picked up at La Guardia with his lady friend Pantera. So, until then, take it easy peezy lemon squeezy peoples.