Bonjour friends and fam. So since my last post happened to be on a film pertaining to hip-hop, ill hit you with another film. Just to start off, this film is one of my favorites of all time. Relseased in 1995, "La Haine" (translated from French means "The Hate"), is shot entirely in black and white, directed my Mathieu Kassovitz. The only famous actor (who wasn't so at the time) is Vincent Cassel, who you might know as the LUCKY man married to that beautiful and voluptuous Monica Bellucci. The film's title comes from a French expression ,where if one is pissed off at the world or overly aggressive one says that he has "la haine". The film follows a day in the life of three friends from the Paris suburbs (the equivalent of inner cities there) during some serious riots in the early 90's. The reason its so incredible (besides for the stunning 35 mm cinematography) is that it really captures the reality that these disadvantaged surburban youth (consisting of mostly minorities) that they live and the pitfalls that they attempt to navigate away from, often unseuccessfully. Here are two scenes, one of which gives you a feel for the movie, and another featuring legendary Paris DJ Cut Killer, who used to roll with French hip-hop gods NTM. Its a doooope scene with an amazing helicopter traveling shot. I have also attached the mp3 of the track that hes mixing in the scene, short but oh so sweet. You gotta see this film (and YES, it is available with subtitles...)
Cut Killer - La Haine Mix
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