You knew it was comin...H-Man's take on the Grammys this year... I Know the photo is from last year's awards, but i wanted to gt this shit hot off the press and that picture is my favorite Grammy picture ever ( i mean, does it get any better? A damn shame the album title finally got changed...) SO, all that being said, let me get to some ranting. First off, M.I.A got GYPPED! As much as I love and respect Robert Plant, how one earth did it beat out Paper Planes for record of the year?! And HOW THE FUCK did "Raising Sand" get best album?!!! BIG UP to MIA for even being there, massively pregnant as she is, as apparently here due date was TODAY! Really enjoyed the performance of "Swagger Like Us" (which did pick up a Grammy for best rap collab), seein all four of those dudes on stage at the same time is crazy. Kanye killed it in his silver suit with Estelle. Coldplay picked up a few awards and it was nice to see Jay-Z join Chris Martin for the "Lost" remix Thank God the Jonas Brothers didn't win anything, i have no patience or love for those no talent ass clown Mickey Mouse "musicians". Loved the Wayne performance and New Orleans homage, "Tie My Hands" was one of my favorite track off Carter 3. Weezy picked up best rap album and best rap song (there were a few other worthy contestants for rap album, including Lupe and NaS) and i gotta say he deserved it. He made us wait for Carter III, but it was damn well worth the wait. So...overall...a pretty mediocre Grammy night (aren't they always), let's wish T.I. the best of luck in prison, though let's hope that his last performance before he starts his bid wasn't with Justin Timberlake...

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