Who's the REAL D.A? Hmmmmmm...
Concert and Night # 2 in NYC. Mj, KD and I all headed to Santos Party House in SoHo, for a Chester French performance before Q-Tip's regular "Open" party there every Friday. I posted a while back about the place, if you haven't been i HIGHLY recommend it, banging music, and you never know who you might run into...the concert itself was great, vwasn't TOO into Chester French before, but they put on a great live performance, show was great. D.A and Max have a hell of a stage presence. KD was in front losing his goddamn mind. Amanda Diva and Lupe were in the house too, which was hella exciting, i mean Lupe's one of my top 5,and Amanda Diva is just TOO fine...After the show, it was time to get to some serious drinkin. Funny ass story, about an hour later, i go out to smoke a cigarette with MJ and KD, and some girl comes up and says "You guys were really great onstage"...as you may see fromt he picture above, there is a slight resemblance between D.A and myself, and he'll forgive me if I say that i ROLLED WITH THAT SHIT. I kept up a convo for at least 15 minutes, lying through my teeth about everything. Twas hilarious and I'm surprised that inebriated as I was that I was able to keep a straight face. MJ was just staring at me the entire time, silent, in awe. HA.





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