I've been meaning to post this for a few weeks but it totally slipped my mind (for self-explanatory reasons, judging by the theme of the post). I finally figured out what my favorite drunk munchies are; Stacey's Simply Naked Pita Chips! No need for flavor other than the sea salt, Between the time i got home totally shit housed and the hangover started to go away i somehow managed to go through an ENTIRE Costco size bag of these. They're so delicious you dont even need extra flavor, but they are quite amazing with some Hummus. If you need further encouragement to try out this miracle of the culinary world then pcture this:Me, H-Man, drunk as a Russian gorging my face with Pita chips in bed, enjoying them as much as the Hof eating a cheeseburger on a hotel room floor (though my daughter wasn't nearby imploring me to stop drinking...). That work for ya? ;)

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