Ahaaaaaaaaa (imagine it sounding like that oh so memorable Jadakiss laugh)! What's good my peoples? Just got back last night from NY, which explains my slight lapse in my posting for the past 4 days...had a HELL of a weekend. Original purpose of the trip was business, the H-Man is now actually WORKING if you can believe it! So Friday was an all day boozefest for real, started in Lower East, moved to Williamsburg, BK, out to Soho, out to 129th street (still don't know how the fuck i ended up so far uptown) and finally back in Lower East side after about 14 hours of binge drinking. Got to see some friends, and ended up going to Santos Party House to see Q-Tip spin. I happened to be with my homie Sonny, who somehow knows Tip. Once we got to Santos it was off the chain, ended up being up the booth with Q-Tip, drinking patron out the bottle. To make things even crazier, as if kickin it and meeting a living legend like Tip wasn't enough, we were graced with a visit by Ali Shaheed Muhammad! I still can't wrap my head around the fact that i met 2/3 of A Tribe Called Quest in one night ( i don't really count Jarobi, as he was basically MIA from after the first album ...) As if this still isn't completely ridiculous, Statik Selektah was in the house too, he gave me a copy of his joint he did with Saigon Recently (All in a Day's Work , all recorded in 24 hours, i recommend you cop it, its dope). We were chatting and I told him that I happened to follow him on Twitter. He immediately asked what my twitter name was (SwervinIrvin , follow me!) and upon returning to MJ's crib where was staying, discovered what you see at the top of this post. WOW. That was my only hip-hop related activity that weekend, besides for the constant iPoding anywhere and everywhere. I'm back in NYC on Friday, going to the Blu & Exile show tomorrow, seeing Lebron prolly demolish the Wizards on Thursday (maybe Agent Zero can help us?) and gonna see the man reppin my city, WALE, in Richmond next week. Can i get an amen?
Oh. And i almost forgot...I did a little bit of work that y'all should thoroughly appreciate, it'll be up real soon. In the meanwhile, try not to piss in your pants from anticipation!
Ridah out!

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