I’m sure all of you remember the immensely popular and insane story of the crazy eyed/pilled-out/falling down stairs nightmare of a girl that accompanied my crew and I on a night out on the town in the not so distant past…if not then scroll down a few posts and check out the madness. Well, my boy Bob (the one who had to forcibly had to shove her into a cab after she viciously and intoxicatedly assaulted Sally, happened to go the bank a make a little deposit in his checking account (get that scrilla son!) and saw some girl that appeared to be checking him out. After feeling good about himself and doing a little double take, he realized that it was HER…panic flooded his system and he began to wonder what on earth he had done to deserve this kind of karma. Their eyes met, and she apparent RAN OUT of the place and drove away…Considering he still has her jacket in his automobile, and that she still owes him a lump sum of cash for the long taxi ride home that she doesn’t remember, he texted her and they are supposed to meet up on Saturday at a to be determined location and time…so the story continues....
1 comment:
is that pic crazy bitch in the flesh?! ive gotta hear the end of this story! - gen
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