I'm back in a flash! Or not...once again the H-Man went and disappeared and left y'all out to dry...there's a perfectly valid reason for this however, THE 2009 NBA MOTHERFUCKIN PLAYOFFS! AHHHHHHHHHH! I have been completely unable to unglue myself from the television every night for the length of 3 games, as i have been utterly and totally obsessed with watching every game i can possibly watch, at the detriment of every other responsibility, including that of ridin. Even though I'm from and reside in D.C (fuckin Wizards...don't you miss them being called The Bullets, way more bad ass and honestly much more representative...when's the last time anyone saw a Wizard?), my pops is from Denver and have always been a fan of The Broncos and The Nuggets. So now you know who im rootin for...I am predicting a Cavaliers and Lakers final (am not willing to bet on who will win that yet, need to see how they perform in the second round...), a King James vs. Kobe repeat, but this time The Chosen One is more grown up (and stronger..."kid" is 6'8", 2% body fat, and weighs almost 275 pounds...) The Mavericks have surprised me by eliminating the Spurs in 5 games, but i think that the Nuggets (who will get to the second round after tonight, that 58 point blowout was craaaaaaazy...give it up for the boy Meloooooooo! Iverson was my favorite player for yeaaaars, but i still think tradin him for Chauncey has made the Nugs a way better team) and honestly, the Bulls Vs. Celtics matchup is the most entertaining 1st round series that I have ever witnessed. Can't wait to see what Game 6 will bring, but I have a feeling that despite the injuries, Boston will end up taking it, Pierce and Allen have been CLUTCH. The other series have not been too interesting to me, though i do hope the Magic (Howard was a beast last night), the Blazers (although they are up against tremendous odds now down 3-1...) and the Heat (hope Wade's back spasms heal up) all go through to the next round. So, there will be LESS games, when the week is over, but believe me i will be watching every single one i can. WHERE AMAZING HAPPENS!

Also, there have been a number of great ads that i have seen in between, three of which are my favorites. Still cannot watch the Patrick Ewing one without laughing my ass off, so awkward and hilarious. Ch-ch-check em out!
Would be the best Taxi ride eva --- MJ: "Je peux toucher la radio? Pourquoi pas?"
I wish i could be THAT happy about anything...haha
Cleavand Cavalier spoof of Heineken commercial! Perfect, especially for a sneaker freaker like me...