Bawse! I'll be the first to admit that i havent exactly been a fan of Ricky Ross, in fact I rather hated on the dude for a long time (some might say with good reason, the only decent thing he really put out before was "Hustlin", and that shit got old REALLLLL quick...) However, i don't know, whether he just stepped his game up or if Curtis lit a fire under his ass with all the attempted bullying, but Rick Ross has released a great album, Deeper Than Rap. There are only 2 tracks I'm not crazy about, the rest is dooooooooope. The production is IMPECCABLE (most of it by J.U.S.T.I.C.E. League, and one fantastic Toomp track), his flow and lyrics got better, and for once Miami Rick is surpassing all expectations, smooth as I always hoped he could be. Just yesterday, he was on the FRONT PAGE OF THE ARTS SECTION OF THE NEW YORK TIMES. Kanye even bestowed him his highest honor, saying that he can listen to it in his apartment (whatever the fuck that means, i guess it's a big deal to him and others...)Since I copped it, i haven't been able to stop listening to it. This album is by far Officer Rawse's finest work, i love being pleasantly surprised like this! Triple C's!
here are my two favorite tracks:
"Valley of Death"
"Usual Suspects" ft. NaS

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