AHHHHH. So, told y'all last time around i was going to the Blu & Exile show on Wednesday...Well i DID and it was doooooope. Damu the Fudgemunk and DJ Underdog were spinnin, the Flex Mathews played a dope set along with a surprise one song performance by DC supergroup Diamond District. Blu was just chillin in the crowd (smellin like mad reefer) until it was time for him to go on stage. His live performance is very comparable to the way he sounds in his songs, very laid back and relaxed. He played mostly Below the Heavens material, and a little bit of Johnson&Johnson. Much to my delight, he did do "Blu Collar Worker","No Greater Love", and "Dancing In The Rain". Exile was absolutely amazing, did not know how much of a master he was on the MPC, and how fast he can make beats from scratch. Woulda loved to stick around the venue more and kicked it with Blu a little, but Ride Or Die, Jada and I had to leave quite a abruptly to find our friend BKJ, who had been thrown out about 15 minutes before the end of the show, as he somehow got so wasted that he fell onto the stage...this is where it gets good. Somehow, in 15 minutes, he managed to make it 6 blocks, borrow a skateboard from someone and fuck his ankle up, piss on an apartment building, try to get in to that same apartment building, and pass out until the Police arrived. Thankfully the cops didn't charge him (who woulda ever thought right?) and just handed him over to me. Upon entering the car, he promptly passed the fuck out and I hear (from extremely reliable sources) that he was un-wakeable in the car until about 6 in the a.m...Anywyas, here are a few pics and a few vids, make sure you peep em all! Also, will be in NYC until Tuesday, will try to write a few quick posts, but that will all depend my hand eye coordination, which i have a feeling is gonna take a beating this weekend. So, til next time, goodnight and good ride.

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