What up people? Before I even start this post, allow me to reintroduce myself, my name is Morty McFly. H-Man was my ”partner in crime” (read: fellow hip-hop geek) back in Paris and we started and hosted the weekly hip-hop radio show Cuts&Rhymes. Now, H is back in DC/NYC and I’m back in Oslo, Norway, where I’m from. But the show must go on, so here we are.

I wanna use my first post to shine some light on the relatively recent documentary Copyright Criminals. The film features many hip-hop legends such as Public Enemy, De La Soul, the Beastie Boys, and Digital Underground as well as emerging artists from record labels Definitive Jux, Rhymesayers and Ninja Tune. Check this film out! Among other topics it discusses how Copyright Law restricts creativity in music, especially in the hip-hop genre because beats often are built on sampling former music. The sampling technique has given us masterpieces before and should be celebrated, not harshly restricted with unreasonable fines for people that attempt to use it. I just wrote my senior thesis on Copyright Law and I have multiple other reasons for why it’s time to rewrite it into our century.
Welcome to the family Morty! Glad you're back in action.
oh and by the way, i just noticed that in your post it says "allow me to reintoruduce myself", shoulda written "MY name is FLY!F to the LY, i used to ". haha
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