Monday, June 29, 2009

TearDrop* with a Star on It

Its beautifully crazy - Every Club i went to last weekend was playing Michael Jackson. Guys dressed in fly Gold Jackets where doing his dance at Union Square and on 125th street in Harlem, in front of the Apollo, people were dancing and singing in the street. Not only in the US, but around the world, I can guarantee every club played at least one Michael Jackson hit last weekend. I don't think a single death of any Musician has ever caused such a wave of commemoration around the world like the passing of MJ.

Some may say, that sometimes great people need to pass away for us to show our appreciation, and I guess such was the case with Michael. We all know he was struggling in recent years and received many low blows comedians and the media, most for things which he was responsible for himself. But truthfully I think we all felt sorry. It was sad to see such a compassionate, soft soul person such as Michael crumble under the immense surreal weight of a lifetime of stardom. Yet Wyclef certainly wasn't singing about him when he said "Some seek stardom - but they forget Harlem..." As BET CEO Debra Lee pointed out last night, Michael is not only number 1 in selling records world wide, but also the largest philanthropic giver EVER in the community of performing artists and musicians...

So, in the light of recent events I want to post some special videos/songs for the one MJ. Much love to the world, through Michael, and back again. We all truly love you Michael.

My favorite Michael Track

Harlem Tears

Harlem Joy

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